The wife is turning into her mom

Since last Sunday was Mother’s Day, I gave some thought to how my lovely bride is turning into her mother.

It’s as good thing because her mom was a neat lady.

Since I’m married, I can be considered an expert on this transformation.

I share this because it happens to all wives.
You should be ready because tt’s just a matter of when.

Here’s what to look out for:

She signs her text messages.
bloomersSends thank-you notes.
Takes a jacket, just in case.
Sensible undergarments.
Bras that offer a lot of “support.”
Jewelry made by a child even if it is terrible.
Eating half of a cookie but then deciding to also eat the other half.
doggie bagMaking food just so you can have the leftovers.
Getting a doggie bag at a restaurant even when there’s basically nothing left.
Anything from Ross.
Anything from Bed, Bath and Beyond.
Scented candles, but rarely lights them.
Kitchen Herb GardenKitchen herb gardens.
Driving other people places.
Calling someone just to say hi.
Cutting things out of newspapers and magazines.
Giving those clippings to people who she thinks would appreciate them.
Bragging about how little she spent on something.
Facebook, yes.
Twitter, not really.
Saving mementos and filling every available space with them.
Covering every wall with pictures but hating clutter.
Showing people pictures of her pets/children/plants.
Reality TV.

If your sweetie has more than 50-percent of the above…
Say hi to mom.

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