Scientific proof: Men are stupid

Something this Monday to gladden the heart of most ladies and give them yet another reason to gloat and say “I told you so.”

Please don’t.
It’ll make you look ugly and you wouldn’t want that.

Another scientific study is out.
I love scientific studies.

Especially if I agree with them.

Carlin---stupid-men-sizedThis one says men are dumb.

I agree.
Present company excepted, of course.

The British Medical Journal took a break from studying the Royals to release the result of its look into which gender is more likely to die as a result of doing something really, really dumb.

It’s men.
Yup, they’re idiots.

stupid_things_men_do_sizedEspecially when there’s beer involved.

The Journal looked at all of the Darwin Award winners between 1995 and 2014.

In case you don’t know – the Darwin’s are an award given to confirmed instances of people meeting an untimely end as a result of poor decision-making.

They are presented to people who improve the human gene pool by removing their own stupid genes from it.

Guys accounted for almost 90-percent of Darwin Award winners.

The supports the “male idiot theory”.

That’s the scientific observation that men are idiots and idiots do stupid things.
And this even wasn’t when they were trying to impress some lady.

For example – the study listed three dudes who played a variation of Russian roulette by alternately taking shots of alcohol and then stamping on an unexploded Cambodian land mine.

The game ended when it blew up, demolishing the bar and all three men.

Lighting-a-fart-sizedAll you have to do is cruise YouTube to see for yourself guys trying to light their farts (you can), catch a baseball with their mouth (you shouldn’t) and ride the hood of a car at 60 MPH (you can’t).

The majority of these Darwin winners seem to be between 16 and 23 years of age.

This may explain why there are fewer of those folks around these days.

If I was younger I’d think this was great as it gets rid of the competition.

But since I’m an old coot and managed to survive my stupid years…I’ll just watch my brothers.

I’m so proud.

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