Gone to hell Friday

friday-the-13th-sizedI’m not suspicious but Friday the 13th was a real lousy day.

Just about everyone who rained on my parade was using a fire hose.

On a scale of 1 (best) to 10 (worst)…

The morning traffic was a 7.
Where are the cops when people are driving on the shoulder of the road to bypass those of us waiting patiently?

My morning meeting was a 9.
The lady who knows the answers shows up an hour late leaving me to guess my way through the latest inquisition from upper management.

My workload was a 10.
The suits want everything now and that’s like trying to put 10 pounds of dirt in a 5 pound bag.

Ain’t going to happen but they doesn’t stop the emails and phones calls asking, “Is it done yet?”
“Maybe if you stop bugging me.”

My trip home was a 6.
I hit every red light.

I walk into the house and see the dog had barfed all over the rug in the family room.
Let’s give that an 8.
He’s done it before.

It was all topped off with the wife saying, “How about leftovers tonight.”

There’s a bright side to all this.
I suppose everything could have been a 10.

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