After grumpy comes…

…pissed off.

I live in a nice neighborhood.

For the most part people take care of their homes and yards.

There’s a couple of slobs, but those of us that care about out investments ignore them.

On the main street to my neighborhood there’s a condo/apartment complex.

They take good care of the place.
If they didn’t, no one would rent or buy.

Then they allow this to happen.

Nice, huh?
Looks like a flea market.

Bulky item pickup is the second Wednesday of the month.

That works out to January 14th.
Stuff isn’t supposed to be put curbside until the night before.

This crap pile has been building for two weeks.
Each day it spreads out a bit further and gets a bit higher.

Want to come visit me?
You’ll have to pass this on the way.

Here’s what’s happening.

A lot of military live in this complex.
They are good people and no different from you and me.

But they live under rules where they sometimes have to move by a certain date.
They have to throw stuff out.

There’s really no option unless they go to the dump.

The property management apparently shrugs and wanders off.
My neighborhood starts to look like hell.

Happens every month.
What you see is about usual.

Good grief – how about setting a space aside on the property where this stuff can go until it’s time for pickup?
Is that too advanced an idea to grasp?

Apparently so.

I have no interest in being a little old geezer that becomes a pain-in-the-butt by sending pictures to the city every month demanding action.

I do have interest in not making my neighborhood look like a third world country.

Stay tuned as the Night Raider plots his revenge.

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