You may be surprised to learn thereĀ are four stages of life:
1) You believe in Santa Claus
2) You don’t believe in Santa Claus
3) You are Santa Claus
4) You look like Santa Claus
Yesterday I was number three – without the red suit.
Actually I handed out presents from Santa.
Maybe that makes me number four.
Whatever, the grandkids scored big time.
They are spoiled for life.
That’s what grandparents are supposed to do.
Let them run wild and crazy, give them too much and then send them home in a full frenzy sugar rush to drive their parents crazy.
I’d like to report I believe we were quite successful.
We got a very late start with the Christmas spirit this year, what with a very sick dog and the wife trying to juggle her social schedule with her girlfriends.
I ended the day without being grumpy once and that made everyone happy.
It was a good Christmas and here’s hoping yours was too.