One of the interesting things about this time of year is how it zooms from Christmas to New Years.
We spend so many weeks getting ready for Christmas, buying stuff, going to parties, being in the Christmas spirit and then it’s here and **poof** it’s over.
I almost feel a bit violated its yanked away so quickly.
Now everyone’s attention turns to New Years, not that it’s any great thing more than a new date and a day off.
It will be the Year of the Horse by the way.
Much better than The Year of the Rat.
Yeah, it’s supposed to symbolize a new beginning – but really, every day should be that.
People ask me…
“Have you made any New Years resolutions?”
“Just be happy.”
“How about quit smoking?”
“Nope, I doubt that would happen.”
“Lose some weight?”
“I resolve to do that every day.”
“Be nicer to people?”
“People tell me I’m pretty nice as it is.”
The wife may argue that, but I can’t win them all so I don’t worry about it.
“So you have nothing you want to improve on?”
“I try to improve and be better every day, not just once a year.”
But since so many insist, here’s something to think about for the New Year…
Life is what it is.
We can change it, we can make our lot better.
Just work up the courage and do it.
Trying and not being successful is not failure.
Success comes from struggles, attempts and defeats.
Failure comes from doing nothing.
As long as you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and trudge on, you are a success, no matter the load you are carrying.
The world is full of people my age who look back and wish they had tried more, or turned left instead of right at some fork in the road.
You’re never too old to pick another path.
And for once, let’s all just try to be happy.
well said. and happy 2014 to us all
I’ve been trying to find you for years now! Sent you a card years back and it was returned to sender, address unknown… I’m hoping that this reaches you FINALLY! I just wanted to say “Hau’oli La Hanau Courtney” and hope your birthday (I’m a day early) is a great one! I enjoyed reading your blogs. Take care and I hope you get to see this.
Well, hello!
Which Barbara is this?
One can not get to my age without having met more than a few Barbara.
Are you Barbara, my first girlfriend, from 9th grade?
Are you one of the Barbara’s I worked with in radio or TV?
Are you the Barbara that stole my heart 25 years ago?
Are you the Barbara whose picture is hanging in the post office?
Send me an email. Just click on the mail link in the top most article.
I love a mystery…