Is it just me or is Colleen Hanabusa not showing much class right now?
I was watching the news tonight and it showed video of Hanabusa supporters handing out water and stuff to people in Puna.
And they need it.
Too many are still without power and clean water.
But the bothersome part is those Hanabusa people were decked out in campaign t-shirts and campaign stickers were placed on everything.
It was a short video clip but enough for me to mutter, “damn”.
That baloney was a bit blunt in my book.
Now, let’s be clear…
Brian Schatz folks may be doing the same thing although I didn’t see it in the 3 seconds of quick video of him stacking some ice.
If he is, then shame on him too.
What this screams to me is Hanabusa is there to campaign and handing supplies is just part of it.
Kinda sucks and certainly not anything I would recommend if I was advising her.
I’d say go help them because they’re our neighbors and they are hurting.
Let your actions speak for themselves.
Just do what needs to be done and keep the politics back in Honolulu.
I’m sure the Puna folks are grateful for anything they can get right now and the word gets around about who’s helping and who’s not.
And who’s making-A and who’s not.
There’s no need to put a campaign sticker on it.
That’s no class in my book.
I like her but she’s made me grumpy.
I don’t like her and she makes me angry. No class is right
My sense is “campaign panic” took over. She’s behind by a little under 2,000 votes and the Puna vote will determine the winner. Schatz, who’s leading the race, can afford to sit by and let her file suit to stop the election and make a public push. Hanabusa is a smart lady and I’m sure she weighed the risks. My opinion is she goofed. We’ll know soon.