Geesh, you take a little time off…

…and the SPAM tries to take over.

Consider it bombed.
SWAT TaeamBad word to use these days and I suspect it triggered all sorts of alarms in the various NSA and CIA computers monitoring the Internet.

I also suspect the DHS SWAT teams will be ramming through my front door before the weekend is over.

The price of vigilance.

Anyway – Vegas was a bust and the Mayor of that dusty city gladly took my money.

I ride the plane back with someone, somewhere, who was harboring some of the most vile bacteria known to science and made sure he passed it off to me before we landed.

Bronchitis sucks.

The truck that hit me took 5 days before it left town.

Anyway – it’s time to ask for some advice…
I’ve decided to learn to play the piano at my advanced age.

dog-pianoBeing the center of any party has a certain allure.

I bought the digital keyboard, stand, candelabra, etc and I’m ready…
except I have no idea what to do next.

I’m pounding on the white and black things but that doesn’t seem to make music, as I understand it.

The word “exercises” seems to be in there but YouTube is not the answer.

Someone recommend a piano teacher in central Oahu to get me started.

goofy-piano-playerI’m not looking for a lifelong commitment.
Just someone to get me started and check back with occasionally.

I’ll continue from there on my own.

Age is not important.
Sense of humor is.

I have the need to make it as difficult as possible and that should do it.

2 thoughts on “Geesh, you take a little time off…

  1. Having played the piano from the tender age of 5, I can tell you that learning to play the piano is a frustrating journey fraught with angst, temper tantrums and sore fingers. “Go slow” is my only advice…and get a teacher, a beginners piano book, a soundproof room, big speakers, powerful amp and turn it all up to 11. Doesn’t really matter what the hell it sounds like. If it’s loud enough, no one will notice. Do Re Me is all you need to get you started. Enjoy the 88’s. Tony Taylor.

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